“We need something affordable.”
Enrollment under
3,000 students*
with sponsor discount
Enrollment between
3,000-15,000 students*
with sponsor discount
Enrollment above
15,000 students*
with sponsor discount
Plus a one-time $500 set-up fee
* Includes undergraduate and graduate students (we use "students" as an arbitrary way to judge size). Please contact us if the above criteria doesn't apply to your organization. The app is available as a free download to your alumni in app stores.
Sponsor Discount
If your organization has an affinity partnership with one of our beloved
sponsors below, promote your sponsor via the app and receive an
automatic discount off your app subscription.

Generate Revenue
Sell ads in your app related to any of our life 101 topics and keep 100% of the revenue.
Combo Discounts
Multiple years - Subscribe for 2 years and receive 10% off the 2nd year of your subscription.
Order books - Order books with your app and reveive 10% off your lower-priced item.
Every app includes:
- Unlimited downloads and visits
- Available on all six platforms
- All customization options
- Unlimited feeds and features
- Over thirty life 101 topics
- Push notification
- Full social media review
- Alumni analytics
- Custom promotional package
- Updates and rockstar support
The app is available to your alumni as a free download from app stores.