“We want an easy solution
branded and controlled by us.”
Your branding

and messaging. In fact, no Cap & Compass branding appears anywhere in your app.
Use a simple and powerful admin panel
to make changes to your app at any time.
View a demo now.
to make changes to your app at any time.
View a demo now.


Alumni follow the specific news they love.
Add special messages to your news feed
to get address updates, promote events
and benefits, and much more.
to get address updates, promote events
and benefits, and much more.

Push notifications

Add optional advertisements to promote
your partners and raise funds.
your partners and raise funds.

Mobile website

Promote giving back to your organization.


proven tips for promoting your app to alumni.
To view a free demo customized for your organization (along with a list of our app customers),
download the app "Crib Sheet Viewer" from an app store on your Android, iPhone, or iPad.